Publications sur la saine alimentation et le mode de vie actif

The Process of Establishing a Food Cooperative: A Promising Intervention for Improving Physical Access to Food

The adoption of healthy eating—an important determinant of health—is influenced by both individual and environmental (physical, sociocultural, economic, and political) characteristics (Giskes et al., 2011; Raine, 2005; Story et al., 2008; WHO, 2002). Considering the influence of the food environment on diet quality, it is essential to work to ensure that the characteristics of the food…

The Diet of Adults in Québec and Canada in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

This synthesis of data aims to inform decision-makers and stakeholders about changes in the diets of adults in Québec and Canada during the pandemic and to guide subsequent work to promote healthy eating in the current context and for years to come. For around half the themes examined, the data was insufficient to draw conclusions. For the other half of the themes identified, while the data…

Housing and Social Inequalities in Health in Times of COVID-19: Strategies for Promoting Affordable Quality Housing

This document begins with a review of how housing can influence the health and quality of life of its occupants. It then presents the findings on the impact of housing on the health of the Québec population during the COVID-19 period. As a response to this impact, this report proposes strategies for improving housing conditions and reducing social inequalities in health, starting with specific…

Measures to Reduce Sedentary Behaviour and Encourage Physical Activity in Persons 65 And Older Living at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic led Québec, like many jurisdictions around the world, to recommend public health measures to slow propagation of the disease. Measures include limiting the number of contacts between individuals, physical distancing, physical barriers, handwashing, breathing etiquette, wearing of masks or face coverings, ventilation, and the disinfection and cleaning of surfaces. These…

Measures to Mitigate the Effects of the Pandemic on Food Insecurity

This document presents measures and means to mitigate the effects of the pandemic  on food insecurity.

COVID-19: Safe Use of Urban Parks and Green Spaces During Gradual Lockdown Lifting

The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines to support the use of parks and green spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic. It reviews the main health benefits of green spaces and the basic principles to be respected to reduce the risk of spreading the virus in these areas. The document also presents promising initiatives put forward by municipalities in Québec, Canada and elsewhere in…

Best Spatial Planning Practices to Prevent the Effects of Environmental Noise on Health and Quality of Life

  • There are many sources of noise, which increase the difficulty of mitigating the effects. Some examples are noise from road and air traffic, as well as rail noise, noise from port (harbor) facilities or from construction sites.
  • Land-use planning and management are some effective and key noise control and mitigation measures.

Making the man-made environment favourable for safe bike-riding!

Whether for recreation or transportation, safe bike-riding is the result of interactions between individuals’ and environments’ characteristics, including natural elements, as well as man-made and developed elements. This TOPO’s main objective is to present the results of scientific writings concerning the association between the man-made environment, bike-riding and cyclist safety.

Making the man-made environment favourable for safe bike-riding!

Whether for recreation or transportation, safe bike-riding is the result of interactions between individuals’ and environments’ characteristics, including natural elements, as well as man-made and developed elements. This TOPO’s main objective is to present the results of scientific writings concerning the association between the man-made environment, bike-riding and cyclist safety.

Obesity and Overweight: What Are the Economic Impacts in Québec?

Analyses of the economic burdens related to various health issues affecting a population makes it possible to compare their relative significance. By documenting the costs linked to the use of health services and to productivity losses among individuals with health issues, these studies are invaluable to the decision makers who determine health priorities.